Journey 2: Korea e-icon world contest Day 1


28-29th August 2013

Hello. I know that our Bali entries have not completed yet. Well, it has been pretty intense lately with workload and as this entry suggested, I am now in Korea! But this time around it is not for leisure purposes *down* I had to accompany 6 Malaysian students to a world contest here in Seoul. And the saddest part of all is, I have to leave my other half back in Malaysia :((

Being as understanding as he always is, he never hesitates about letting me go to Korea without him by my side. :)

Continue on with our journey to Korea. We departed to Incheon International Airport on 28th of August and we arrived 7 hours later at 7.30am (Korea time). Our journey got delayed a bit due to a typhoon and quite rough weather. Alhamdulillah, we managed to arrive in Korea in one piece. :)

When we arrived at Incheon International Airport, e-icon volunteers and staffs have already waited for us. We were warmly welcomed by Seoul's rain and wind! It truly reminds me of Wellington ;) we departed for Lotte Academy via bus provided for us and the journey took around 1 and a half hour.

At Lotte Academy, we thought we could straight away get our rooms and rest. But unfortunately we had to wait for another 2 hours before we got the keys because the rooms are not ready yet.but once we reached our room, we were definitely thrilled by the cleanliness and how comfortable our rooms are!

Our very first meal weren't that successful as most of my 'new kids' cannot bear with the Korean taste. So most of us had to 're-lunch' using food that we brought from Malaysia. ;) but alhamdulillah,  neither the kids nor me had to sleep with empty stomach.

All in all, I have to say that our first day is quite interesting despite all the waitings. :)